RoboCup Crailsheim: ER-Force vs. RoboTeam Twente

Now the last game of the evening is coming up: ER-Force vs. RoboTeam Twente.

Between games we tested all robots, continued to work diligently on the new robot and fixed a number of bugs. At around 8:40 p.m. we start the last game of the evening. Meanwhile without spectators, we and RoboTeam Twente sit relaxed in the hall with shared pizza and watch our robots drive.

Despite the late hour, all participants were able to enjoy the quiet but exciting game to their fullest. At half time it is already 6:0 for ER-Force. The game is fluid and we can cheer on the robots without big interruptions. The work was worth it, all robots drive over the large field without any problems. Hence, our team members were able to watch the game pretty relaxed.

Over the course of the second half, our team fought hard against a RoboTeam Twente, which got stronger every seconds, starting with the beginning of the very tournament. Therfore, every goal was quite the victory and finally we were able to win the game early with 10:0.

RoboCup Crailsheim: ER-Force vs. TIGERs Mannheim

Our second game of the day was against our toughest competition, the reigning world champion from Mannheim: TIGERs Mannheim.

After the game started with some delay, we unfortunately had to deal with some radio problems at first. But since we are already tested in this area, we were able to test our radio frequencies in our timeout and choose the best frequency accordingly.

Despite everything, the game wasn’t as comfortable and fluid to watch at the beginning as we are used to from our games with TIGERs Mannheim. Instead, we had to deal with teleporting robots in our software, i.e. the positions of the robots within our software changed suddenly and unpredictably by many centimeters. Apparently, the robots appeared with a few seconds delay at places where they had previously driven. The reason for this is initially unknown.

Towards the end of the game, however, we were able to find out the reason for this: the data from the cameras was transmitted both over the LAN and over the W-LAN. However, the data from the W-LAN arrives much later than the data via the LAN. Accordingly, we received both “past” and present data, which we interpreted as “current” data at all times. Accordingly, our software could not handle this problem and the robots drove as if they were slightly drunk.

After the W-LAN was switched off, we were able to drive to the balls properly as usual and play our usual nice game. Unfortunately, nine minutes of regular time had already elapsed by this point, leaving us with less than a minute.

Overall, we had to admit defeat to TIGERs Mannheim with a 0:2.

RoboCup Crailsheim: ER-Force vs. luhbots

Our weekend was originally supposed to start with a game against the French team NAMeC, but it seems that the majority of their members have been caught in a strike when they travelled from Bordeaux, which is why only very few members and robots are currently present. Therefore, after consultation with luhbots, we offered to swap the game ER-Force vs. NAMeC with the game ER-Force vs. luhbots that was originally planned for Sunday.

Hence, we are now playing our first game against the Hanoverian team luhbots. Despite the switch, the game will still be played on only one half of the field, as both luhbots and NAMeC are Division B teams.

In contrast to Division A, in which our team plays, Division B is an entry-level league for new teams. Accordingly, the playing field is smaller and only 6 robots per team play a game.

In addition, both teams agree to play without ball placement, i.e. the ball is not automatically placed by robots if it goes out of bounds, but instead by the human referee. This rule is mandatory for games between Division A teams, but can be waived in the case of Division B games.

After the live commentary by ER-Force is ready, we can finally start!

Something new happens shortly after the kick-off: with little sensitivity, the luhbots’ robots severely damaged a ball through excessive dribbling, so that it had to be pulled out of circulation. At least their dribbler seems strong enough. Luckily we have enough spare balls with us so that after a lot of laughter we can continue straight away.

Our new prototype was able to play for the first time (see video, number 15). It even scored a goal right away, but the ball was too fast and the goal wasn’t counted.

Nevertheless, we were able to win the game 4:0. Overall, the game was relatively smooth and enjoyable to watch. For such a new team, the game was a really good effort.

Unfortunately, we are currently well behind schedule due to technical problems. According to the current status, the next game RoboTeam Twente vs. luhbots will take place at 3:00 p.m.

RoboCup Crailsheim: Setup-Day

Today is the day. Our tournament in Crailsheim starts. Our team has been in the Karlsberghalle since 09:00 this morning and is hard at work setting up the field.

The chipboards are laid out, the carpet is rolled out and the cameras are hanging from the ceiling at a height of 6m. The vision is adjusted and calibrated with great sensitivity. After several strips of tape, all the tables are connected to the LAN and the end of field construction is in sight.

At the same time, the teams prepare the robots for the tournament. To do this, the color patterns that are required to recognize the robots in the camera system must be cut to size and attached to the robots. In addition, the last robots are still being screwed together and all the others are being serviced.

We are looking forward to an exciting test tournament!

Tomorrow the tournament is scheduled to start at 09:00. The first game will be played between TIGERs Mannheim and RoboTeam Twente. Meanwhile, our first game is expected to start at 11 a.m. against the new French team NAMEC.