RoboCup Crailsheim: ER-Force vs. NAMeC

The next match against the French team NAMEC will start soon!

Unfortunately, after there were some problems with the ER Force radio and also the strategy of the French team (e.g. their goalkeeper could only defend our goal, but not their own), the game ended early after a penalty goal by the human referee and a legitimate goal by our robots: NAMeC forfeits!

Unfortunately, the game itself wasn’t all that worth seeing. In order to still enable an exciting and fulfilling gaming experience, especially for the spectators on site, the game between place 2 (ER-Force) and place 3 (LUHbots) was brought forward instead, so that this will take place directly afterwards!

For the die-hard fans, here is the link to the stream of the game ER-Force vs. NAMeC (increasingly peppered with cynical comments towards the end):